Pageant Prep

So many people ask me "So what's it like prepping for a rodeo queen pageant?!"

I smile and just keep it a simple sweet answer.. But here's the true nitty gritty truth. 

Prepping for a pageant is dyeing your hair in the kitchen while you have mock interviews and laughing until you can't breathe. 

It's riding your horse rain or shine, and having a breakdown over something stupid. Just to smile over a great accomplishment. 

It's trying twenty shades of lipstick just to go back to the one you started with. 

It's trying twenty different bits on your horse to find the best one just to go back to what he rode in before. 

It's not being to sleep because you're thinking about your pattern or impromptu questions you might get asked. 

It's wondering what day you should really get your nails done because heaven knows you'll end up working and breaking one yet. 

It's having quiet moments with your horse just enjoying the smell of his hair offer a bath. 

It's having stressful moments with three other people telling you how to ride and trying to soak it all up, but worth the "THERE YOU GO!" You hear after doing something right. 

It's stressful, fun, amazing and worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears. I cannot thank everyone enough who's helping me on this journey! I love you all 


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